Call For Abstracts ! (Due date is extended to April 7th)

  • 2023年1月16日
  • 2023年3月22日
  • Symposium

The 28th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan
In-Person Meeting (with Streaming)
13th – 14th September 2023
9:00-17:00 (tentative) Japan Standard Time (GMT+9:00)




Sponsor: SPWLA Japan Chapter (Japan Formation Evaluation Society: JFES)
Cosponsor: Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)
Venue; Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation – Technology & Research Center (JOGMEC-TRC), Chiba

The 28th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan will be held as a “In-Person with Streaming” event on both 13th & 14th Sep 2023. All persons involved in oil, gas, new energy, geo-engineering industry, and scientific drillings are invited to showcase your case studies, new technologies and innovations.
There will be no poster session, so abstract submission is for consideration an oral presentation only. The presentation will be made by either In-Person or Remote format. Each presentation would be total of 25 minutes, including 15 minutes oral presentation, 10 minutes live Q&A.
General Themes: The symposium committees are soliciting papers in the following:
 Reservoir Characterization of Conventional Reservoirs
 Reservoir Characterization of Unconventional Reservoirs
 Automated Methods of Formation Evaluation
 Specialized Measurement Techniques and Interpretation Methods
 Core and Well-Log Integration
 Case Studies
Special Themes: We set “CCS/CCUS” as special session theme in this symposium, and recent innovation and experience will be shared with the participants in JFES symposium. The total 8 invited talks will be arranged by the symposium committee inviting the industry leaders from global universities, research institutes and energy companies. In this special session, JFES will provide petrophysicists, geologists, geophysicists, and engineers with an opportunity to share their expertise and case studies for geothermal energy development. We are soliciting papers in the following contents, related to CCS/CCUS:
 Formation Evaluation/Reservoir Characterization of the depleted oil and gas reservoir
 Formation Evaluation/Reservoir Characterization of the aquifer reservoir
 Caprock Integrity Analysis technology and evaluation
 Well Integrity Analysis technology and evaluation
 Reservoir Monitoring Technology
 Geological/Geomechanical Modeling and Dynamic Simulation
SPWLA Japan Board of Directors also encourage students to participate and present. Best Student Awards will be presented to the outstanding presentation. The student awarded would be nominated for SPWLA student paper contest in the international SPWLA 2024 symposium.


• Abstract must be submitted online using the following Microsoft Forms. The online submitting form will be automatically closed at 11:59 pm Japan Standard Time (GMT+09:00) 31st March 7th April 2023 and will not accept submission anymore.

• Abstract shall contain 200-400 words & must NOT contain figures, diagrams or tables.

• The official language of JFES is English. All submitted abstracts will be archived by JFES, therefore authors are required to thoroughly review the grammar and spelling before submission.

• We are open to accept revision only before the submission deadline. If revision is required, visit abstract submission form again and select “Revision” in the questionnaire. Specify the version to avoid confusion and submit the full text.

• It is essential that the written email address is correct, valid and accepting email message from JFES; acceptance/rejection notice and other correspondence will be made via email. Your abstract is not successfully submitted until you receive a confirmation email after clicking the final submit button. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please contact us.

• Once paper is accepted, the abstract will be published in “Petrophysics” journal and JFES homepage for the announcement of the symposium.

• US Copyright law requires a copyright transfer be obtained from authors of papers published in SPWLA publications. Copyright form is signed and returned by the author at the time of submission of Extended Abstract, which subsequently takes a part of the symposium proceeding and is published on One Petro.


• Apr 22nd 2023; A notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstract will be sent to you via email no later than this date.

• Jul 15th, 2023; The authors of accepted papers can submit an Extended Abstract (EA) by this date. The EA will be published by OnePetro only after passing the committee review. The authors are requested to revise and resubmit it according to the reviews by the JFES Technical Committee. Though EA submission is not mandatory to make a presentation in JFES symposium, symposium committee encourages all authors to prepare. The talk with EA may be preferred option for judging acceptance.

• A name of the presenting author needs to be informed to the committee at the time of EA submission. Any co-author of the paper can replace the presenting author as long as the corresponding author inform the JFES Technical Committee (via email below) in a timely manner.

• Sep 2nd, 2023; If paper is remotely presented, the author is also required to prepare a pre-recorded video of their paper presentation by this date. Recording narration over the slides is available with Microsoft PowerPoint. You can also use online conferencing systems to make the video (e.g., WebEx, Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams).

• The JFES technical committee may upload the pre-recorded presentation online system and keep publishing to the symposium participants for a few weeks after the symposium.

• Further detailed information and guideline about Extended Abstract and pre-recorded presentation submission will be announced when a notification of acceptance is made.

• Though the author can participate the symposium either in-person or remote, the presentation in-person may be preferred option for judging acceptance.

• If a presenting author fails to present in-person or submit the pre-recorded presentation without any advance notice, the author will be subject to a two-year ban at the JFES annual symposium.

Any change to this policy is at the discretion of the JFES Technical Committee and will be studied on a case-by-case basis for exceptional cases.
For any inquiries, please send JFES Technical committee a message via.

info(at mark)

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